Honor Jinrai

How to get

Ask the son of Sabinate(see Find Son of Sabinate) about "honor."

How to solve

Learn Cooking. Make some bread. This can be accomplished by taking some of the dough from the LandKing Hall kitchen and using it on a stove. There are other ways to do that as well, none of which are difficult to figure out. Get either a smith's friend potion or gator boots(see Get Gator Skin to Alastor). It would probably be a good idea to take more than one smith's friend potion along if you don't get the boots. Go to the volcano at the extreme southwest of Cythera. Search the volcano for a pedestal by a statue. You WILL have to cross a lot of lava. On your magic map, crossable lava appears yellow whereas uncrossable lava is grey. Once you find the pedestal, put the bread you baked on the pedestal. No one else's bread will work. Jinrai will appear to you. Return to the seldane in the iron mine. Talk to him. Tell him you honored Jinrai.
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