The strange device

How to get

On the ground floor of Pnyx, there is magically locked door. Open it. Inside that room is a portcullis. Walk through the wall opposite the portcullis. Take the northern path, even though it looks like a dead-end. At the end of that hall there is a loose stone that will click when you step on it. This opens another wall you can walk through. Back-track to the turnoff. This time, take the southern path until you can turn north again. Turn north, then go east through the wall. There will be another loose stone to click. Go back to the southern path and keep going east. Just before the end of the path, you can go north through a wall. Go east in this new room to the middle of the eastern wall. Walk through the wall. The stones turn the walls on and off, so if you can't get through a wall you should be able to, just re-click the stones. Flip the lever in this easternmost room to open the portcullis. Go back to where the portcullis was and go down the stairs. There are some golems down the stairs, so be careful. Wander around in the basement of Pnyx until the music changes back to Pnyx music. This wandering can take a while, so be patient. When the music changes back, be ready to fight a Demon. Some pointers on surviving can be found on my creatures page. Go east until you find a magically locked chest. The strange device is inside. The gauntlets and green crystal ball are also included.


The strange device, sometimes referred to a the Seldane device, is used to open some doors. If you find a pattern on a pedestal, use the three buttons on the top of the device to make it match the pattern. This will open a door. In earlier versions of Cythera, the device was broken, so get the latest version if you haven't already done so.
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